
5 hours ago
5 hours ago
Is the pro-choice side really pro-choice? Do women who choose to have abortions truly choose to have abortions, or do they have choices systematically eliminated until there is no option remaining except to have an abortion? These are not simple questions to answer, but thankfully people are out there working to solve some of these complex issues. This week, Nikki joins me as we talk with Emily & Nathan Berning of Let Them Live, an organization dedicated to helping women and mothers have the choice to keep a child.
Oh, yeah, the audio. Apparently I would have to pay VMix another $250 to have another Zoom user in the video, so my VMix software was not set up to facilitate this. So it turned out to be easier to just use Zoom.
Check out our Youtube channel for the video version!

Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Have you noticed the abundance of paganism in Christianity? Jesus probably has, and probably isn't super thrilled about it. Whether we're talking about the many ways in which Christianity borrowed from pagan traditions to ease conversion, countless mistranslations in the Bible (some even intentional), and scribes touching up stories here and there, there is very little about Christianity that is widely agreed upon or not controversial. In today's episode of Free Talk Cast, Aria has a chat with Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries about Mark's take on Christianity.
The most important thing to take away is that the Creator laughs. It's heartwrenching observing how many people seem to believe in a humorless god. Mark believes that the Creator laughs. Aria once remarked that one of her biggest problems with Christianity is that there seems to be no joy or laughter in the Bible: "You watch a rabbit eat a carrot and tell me that God doesn't laugh."
While you're here, please subscribe to our new Youtube channel and share the video!

Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Well, Trump is president now. Libertarians sold their votes to Donald Trump to free Ross Ulbricht. That isn't a criticism. Aria admits she was going to do the same thing, and only didn't because her boyfriend was in the hospital. But... she's glad she didn't. The horrors we've already seen from the Trump Administration... Richie Rich points out that we didn't necessarily get equivalent authoritarianism with Trump.

Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
The LPNH has a messaging problem. They have several messaging problems, actually. This week, Aria sits down with Rachel and Spencer to talk about those problems, and the prospect of having new leadership in the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire.

Friday Jan 10, 2025
Friday Jan 10, 2025
Treating human beings like cars is kinda strange when you stop to think about it. Just like when you buy a new car and have to register it with the government, you're supposed to register your new child with the government. And that... is crazy and a little sick. This week, Aria and Nikki talk about this, and the myth that it's something that is actually critical to do shortly after the birth.

Thursday Jan 09, 2025
Thursday Jan 09, 2025
Following the catastrophe that was losing an entire episode recorded with Richie Rich, Aria sits down and goes back over the information that was discussed in the Lost Episode--the greatest episode in the history of podcasts. Aria talks about the Crypto 6 case, the plea agreements, the motions to dismiss, her reluctant plea deal, and finally Ian's upcoming appeal. If you're curious about federal court and that process, this episode probably has information you're interested in.

Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Why does your employer provide your health insurance? And why does it cost you money instead of actually being a perk of employment? How do tax brackets factor into this? And why do we support the insurance industry when it is a game of calculated fraud where the only way for the company to be profitable is to violate its agreement with you? This and more as Aria sits down with Rich E. Rich for another fantastic episode of Free Talk Cast.

Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
Some people are toxic. Even if the people themselves aren't toxic, your relationship with them can be. Some people just bring out the worst in each other. Some people aren't meant to be in each other's lives. Friends, family, lovers... If a relationship is toxic or abusive, it has to be put to an end. In this episode of Free Talk Cast, Aria and Nikki talk about toxic relationships, toxic family members, drawing boundaries, and ending relationships.

Monday Dec 09, 2024
Monday Dec 09, 2024
Why is cryptocurrency exploding right now? The answer may surprise you.
This episode is late because I thought my mixer died. When I finally got the chance today to dig out my replacement, I learned that the power supply actually died. That's great, because that's a much cheaper fix. Anyway, we apologize for the delay; there was a hardware failure.
We love you all!

Friday Nov 29, 2024
Friday Nov 29, 2024
In this followup to last week's episode, Nikki and Aria talk about the nuances of definition, and the importance of understanding things. We dive into the idea of the Mathematician's Answer, an answer or definition that is technically correct but completely useless under the circumstances. Finally, we talk about the importance of recognizing boundaries and not violating people's sacred spaces.

The Free Talk Live podcast is a project started by long-time host and assistant programming director of Free Talk Live, Aria DiMezzo, and features several of the hosts you'll recognize from the radio show.
Unlike the radio show, the podcast is released only once a week, and is 30-45 minutes long, and recorded specifically as a podcast--this means no radio ads, no commercials, and no live reads.
If you like the podcast, consider joining our LRN Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/lrnfm